Parents naturally want their children’s relationship with God to grow. But at a time when church has changed so much, they can worry that their children are not connecting with God or the church.

The incredible news is that God hasn’t changed, and although church may look different, parents have an amazing opportunity to help their children worship God in everyday moments of life.

Paul reminds us in Colossians 3:16 – 17 that worship is so much more than singing; it’s about giving thanks to God in all we do. Each of us will show that admiration and thanksgiving through our unique personalities and interests. It will look different for an energetic toddler, a reflective seven year old, or a teenager who loves to fight for justice. Being intentional in recognising this can help parents to find opportunities where everyone in the family can worship God in ways that work for them.


Some of us want to be expressive as we respond to God, and will be excited and enthusiastic in worship.

  • Could you turn up the worship music and have a spontaneous praise party in your kitchen? Even very young children will love to join in with simple action songs. Or could you act out Bible stories? Enthusiasts will love to go all out with costumes and props too.


We may enjoy studying the Bible to gain a deeper understanding of God and connect with Him as we find new insight.

  • Maybe memorise Bible verses, using actions to help you, read a regular bedtime Bible story, or plan a memory verse scavenger hunt. Choose a verse, hide each word and then rearrange them into the verse when you’ve found them.


We may connect with God and celebrate His majesty when we’re outside, surrounded by His amazing creation.

  • Maybe you could explore your locality and wonder about the beauty of God’s creation, grow seeds and chat about how God helps us to grow physically and spiritually, or plan a treasure hunt and talk about how we’re God’s treasure as you follow the clues.

Loving others

Many of us will feel close to God as we are kind to others and care for those in need.

  • Could you bake some cookies together for a neighbour or friend, write an encouraging note or draw a picture and send this to an older person from church? Maybe you could arrange to regularly telephone someone who is lonely at this time.

Social justice

Or we may express our worship to God by actively working on behalf of those who don’t have a voice.

  • Could you help your child to find out what your church or community is doing to support people in this challenging time and then help as a family? Maybe you could pray for social justice issues by printing off pictures and making a prayer wall or lighting a candle and praying for God’s light to shine in difficult places.

Raising Faith small group resource

Would you like to find out more ways to worship God as a family? Check out the Raising Faith small group resource, which looks at this topic in greater detail. Ideal to use as individuals or explore with other parents, you can find the free digital download at cff​.org​.uk/​r​a​i​s​i​n​g​-​f​a​i​t​h​-​s​e​s​sions