During the coronavirus outbreak, many of us will be particularly concerned about older people, both inside and outside our churches. Faith in Later Life exists to help Christians engage more effectively with older people.

To inspire and equip Christians to reach, serve and empower older people in every community during the pandemic, Faith in Later Life has a number of blog pieces on their website, which include reflections on what this current pandemic may mean for older people and how best to help them. Last week, for example, Faith in Later Life wrote a blog entitled Six ways to reach out in Easter lockdown”. You can read it here.

Jane from Nottingham saw a link to this article on the charity’s Facebook page and as a result decided to invite her immediate community to sing hymns together (suggestion four on the blog). Jane shares her experience. 

I produced a flyer inviting everyone in my small cul-de-sac (a mixture of 27 houses and bungalows) to join me and another evangelistically-minded Christian on my street. I thought that several people on my street had some faith but I wasn’t sure how many would join us. So I was delighted on Easter Sunday at 10am to see 10 faces besides mine, including two from the next street, who had been invited by my evangelistically-minded friend.

We sang the first hymn and then decided to sing the first and last verses of the second one. And as a result of this we decided we’d meet at 4pm for a cup of tea at the end of our drives. And another 10 other residents joined in with that! It was great to just chat and catch up with each other’s news. I’m very thankful to Faith in Later Life for sowing the necessary seeds for my street to praise the Lord and also have some community time together.”

For more resources from Faith in Later Life about this time of pandemic, have a look at its resources page.