2020 hasn't been easy. The global pandemic seemed to come out of the blue; church, business, social and family life all suddenly under lockdown or restriction. Despite this, we’ve seen great expressions of appreciation and generosity; the Thursday evening clap for NHS workers, teachers doing their best in unpredictable classroom situations, churches serving their communities, and congregations up-skilling overnight, pulling out all the stops to stay connected and present online.

The many expressions of compassion and resilience during this year speak of the wonder of God’s image being reflected in humanity, despite all its flaws and brokenness. It speaks of God at work, often unnoticed and hidden. I’m reminded of a line from the worship song Waymaker (Michael W. Smith): Even when I don’t see it, you’re working; you never stop, you never stop working.

As we approach the end of a difficult year, by faith, we can see that God is silently and mysteriously at work. By faith, we can see something good and redemptive emerging out of 2020. Jeremiah, by faith, was able to see and say, For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). It is remarkable that this was spoken at one of Israel’s lowest points. They were in exile, in slavery and under Babylonian lockdown’. Yet Jeremiah could see that God was still working for the good in testing circumstances. 

As we look forward to 2021, we may still find ourselves in testing times, yet in all this we can be certain that the Lord does not change. We can see, through the eyes of faith that He never stops working, even when we don’t see it. He works for your good because He loves you. He is working to bring you into a hope-filled future because He desires to bless you and not to harm you.

May the Lord fill you with faith to see Him at work, and with grace to flourish in this coming season, and the year of 2021.

Dydy 2020 ddim wedi bod yn hawdd. Roedd fel petai’r pandemig wedi ymddangos o nunlle; ar amrantiad, gweddnewidiwyd bywyd, bywyd Eglwys, busnes, cymdeithasol a theuluol dan warchae cyfnodau clo a chyfyngiadau. Er gwaethaf hyn, rydyn ni wedi gweld a phrofi mynegiant hyfryd o werthfawrogiad a haelioni: y gymeradwyaeth ar nosweithiau Iau i weithwyr y GIG, athrawon yn ymdrechu’n glew dan amgylchiadau dosbarth cyfnewidiol anodd, Eglwysi’n gwasanaethu eu cymunedau a’u cynulleidfaoedd trwy arloesi ym myd technoleg i geisio cadw cyswllt ar-lein.

Mewn cymaint dull a modd, mae pob mynegiant o drugaredd a gwytnwch yn ystod y flwyddyn eleni, mewn rhyw ffordd neu’i gilydd yn arwydd o ryfeddod delwedd Duw’n cael ei adlewyrchu trwy’r ddynoliaeth, er gwaethaf ei holl ddiffygion a’i methiannau. Mae’n mynegi Duw ar waith, a hynny’n aml yn ddisylw, diseremoni, yn y dirgel . Mae’n f’atgoffa o linell mewn cân o fawl gan Michael J. Smith, Waymaker’, sy’n datgan:

Even when I don’t see it, You’re working 

You never stop, You never stop working

Wrth inni gyrraedd diwedd blwyddyn anodd, trwy ffydd, fe welwn fod Duw ar waith, yn dawel ac yn ddirgel. Trwy ffydd, gallwn weld rhyw ddaioni ac achubol yn deillio o 2020. Roedd Jeremeia, trwy ffydd yn gallu gweld a dweud, Fi sy’n gwybod beth dw i wedi’i gynllunio ar eich cyfer chi,” meddai’r ARGLWYDD. Dw i’n bwriadu eich bendithio chi, dim gwneud niwed i chi. Dw i am roi dyfodol llawn gobaith i chi.” (Jeremeia 29:11). I Mae’n rhyfeddol meddwl y cafodd hyn ei ddatgan adeg un o gyfnodau mwyaf tywyll Israel. Roedden nhw’n alltudion, mewn caethiwed ac o dan gyfnod clo’r Babyloniaid. Er hynny, roedd Jeremeia’n gallu gweld fod Duw’n dal ar waith er daioni dan amgylchiadau heriol.

Wrth inni edrych ymlaen at 2021, mae’n ddigon posib y cawn ein hunain eto mewn amseroedd anodd — eto, trwy hyn i gyd, gallwn fod yn sicr nad ydy’r Arglwydd yn newid byth. Gallwn weld, trwy lygaid ffydd, nad ydy E byth yn rhoi’r gorau i’w waith, hyd yn oed pan na allwn ni weld hynny. Mae E’n gweithio er daioni i ti, oherwydd Ei fod yn dy garu di. Mae’n gweithio’n galed i dy arwain at ddyfodol llawn gobaith oherwydd mai dymuniad Ei galon ydy dy fendithio di ac nid dy niweidio! 

Boed i’r Arglwydd eich llenwi â ffydd i’w weld ar waith , a’r gras i ffynnu yn y tymor sydd ar ddod, ac yn y flwyddyn 2021.