When I hear the word ‘worship’, I immediately picture a room of believers gathered together, raising their voices to God, declaring His goodness, and our gratefulness that He is at work in our lives.

But many of us know that this isn’t the only form of worship that we have in our toolkit as disciples. When singing is off the table, it doesn’t mean that worship is as well. It’s actually a brilliant opportunity to rethink what worship means to us.

One concept that has stood out to me in recent months is the idea of remembering. Throughout God’s word, God’s people were asked to remember the good things He had done for them, to tell them to their children, write them on their door posts, gather stones to remind them, and then Jesus Himself said, Do this in remembrance of me.” In a world that is often keen to forget and move on to the next thing, the church is asked to remember.

So why is this? Why did God think that it was such a good idea for us to keep looking back? Honestly, I believe it’s because we so easily forget. We forget His goodness and His plan for us when we look ahead to the future. We forget that He has good things in store for us and that He is always faithful, whatever we are going through. Instead, when we look back, we remember the times when darkness threatened to block out the light, but God shone through. When misinformation waged war on truth, but God’s justice did not falter. When sin felt ready to overcome us, but mercy like a river washed over us instead.

And as we look back on past acts of God’s kindness, we are led into a place of worship. We cannot help but praise Him for all the goodness He has shown to us in our own lives and the life of our community. Remembering is an act of worship because there is no other way to respond when we look at God’s track record in our lives.

On top of that, I believe remembering is the intersection between worship and evangelism. Not only do we remember stories of God’s faithfulness in order that we can worship Him for them, but we also do so to remind ourselves of how many good stories we have to share with others.

When we truly reflect on the goodness of God in our lives, I believe our natural response is to worship Him and then pass it on. This is why we’ve created Remember When, a resource for your church to remember stories of God’s faithfulness together and allow this to lead you into greater confidence to share those stories with others. Whether sharing your faith comes naturally to you or not, we hope this resource helps all of us respond to the biblical call to remember God’s faithfulness and be a witness to it.

Find out more

Remember When is a four-week sermon series and small group resource designed to be used with your whole church, but it is just as applicable for an individual small group. We have pulled together biblical passages, top quality videos and key teaching points to guide you through this journey of remembering and sharing stories of God’s faithfulness. To sign up and download all the content you need, head to eauk​.it/​r​e​m​e​m​b​e​r​w​h​e​n​-idea