Apart from your alarm, thoughts of caffeine, or a small child, what gets you out of bed in the morning?

As followers of Jesus, we have a calling that should excite us. Each day is a gift from God, and we have the amazing opportunity to play our part in building His kingdom through the things we do and say, the way we treat others, and simply who we are.

And whatever work we do, we bring a creativity to it. No one is quite like us, and therefore our contribution to God’s kingdom is, by its very nature, unique.

But just by wandering through an art gallery or listening to a concert, you can see that Christians don’t have the monopoly on creativity. While it plays a key role in our Christian faith, creativity is not exclusive to a particular religion or people group. What we do have, however, is access to the source of all creativity: God Himself.

At the heart of any painting, song, branding campaign, planted garden, knitted jumper, or any other creative pursuit, is a desire to explore stories and communicate. This desire is a God-given gift placed in all of us, not just believers. We are made in the image of God, created by Him, and therefore the Creator’s DNA is in every human being. The Maker of all things has created people who are creative, and full of fresh potential.

So then, how do we use this extraordinary gift for God’s glory?

Understand the message you’re looking to deliver. To thrive in the commercial world, this a fundamental principle.

The way you deliver your message and the language you use is just as important as the content. Often we fall into the trap of using language that alienates us from the very people that we are looking to connect with. Think about the person receiving what you’re communicating. How will they interpret it? How will it make them feel?

If the message you’re trying to communicate is an aspect of the gospel, then it’s helpful to think through what misconceptions people might be coming with, and what barriers they might have to faith or understanding. Ask God what He wants to say to people through your work.

I’m a fan of concepts – they really help me to bring to life what I feel. Don’t try to give all the answers. Allow your target audience to enjoy the journey of your concept as you help them set out for themselves. It’s not your job to drive them to the final destination; your job is to invite them onto the bus and make sure they feel comfortable.

Be brave and confident. 2021 is a year to communicate with both empathy and boldness. Be courageous and push yourself creatively, without becoming lazy or apathetic. Our aim here at CPO is not just to make posters look nice – we’re here to create an emotional connection that hopefully also triggers a response. 

I’m convinced that the way Jesus communicated, through stories and real life situations, is our guide. Together, let’s bring to life the greatest message using true multicolour, kaleidoscopic art and creativity with a neon intensity that probes, asks questions, connects people, and, above all, demonstrates God’s immense love.

We share life with billions of others on this incredible planet. While our circumstances may differ widely, we are all connected by our God-given gifts of imagination, curiosity, and a longing to find answers. Treasure and enjoy the journey as we find creative ways to connect people with their Creator!

CPO have released a new creative campaign called My Neon Life. Find out more here.