Marie is a police inspector and national chair of trustees at CPA. She sits on national policing meetings with the race, religion and belief strategic group, diversity and inclusion groups and others.

How did you meet Jesus?

I was debating and arguing against Christianity but became aware that I didn’t know what the Bible said so promised I’d read a gospel in 2006. Its realness and relevance blew me away. On a visit to church, the Holy Spirit convicted me, but I didn’t want to be a stereotypical Christian – I wasn’t that polite! I met an ex-drug-dealing-rugby-playing-Christian along the way and it was like God saying: There – not a stereotype!” In time, I got stuck into the Bible and surrendered my life to Jesus in 2009. I’d been on a career break but God said, I want you back in policing.”

What difference does knowing Jesus make in your job?

I know He’s sovereign over everything: staffing matters, problem-solving and scary, dangerous situations. He’s my protector, shield and fortress – if He allows something to happen, it’s for my good. Knowing that makes a world of difference. He’s called me into places to be a kingdom-bringer, an atmosphere-changer and to make a difference. That brings purpose into my working day.

Can you share about a time when faith helped you be courageous?

I had a job when I was sent to an emergency call; a lady was self-harming with knives. On my drive there, a team member called to warn me that she’d been violent and aggressive before, and backup was at least ten minutes away. I prayed and declared scripture and truth all the way. When I arrived, the lady was fine. Standing on truth and declaring His peace into the situation changed it completely. It gave me the courage that He is for me, He is my protector and shield and would be with me.

What are the other challenges for Christians in policing and how does the CPA help?

If you deal with a particularly horrible job it’s hard for church family to properly grasp it. The policing family understands at a different level. We see the worst, so need a deep-rooted understanding of who God is. Officers usually show up as the baddie”, for example to arrest or bring bad news. It’s usually a negative experience so it’s easy to become hard-hearted. Someone once told me, I want to believe but can’t – I see the hurt and evil that happens to kids and can’t reconcile that to a loving God.” It’s hard for new Christians or those lacking deep roots of faith, but CPA can really help them there. CPA provides some fellowship and support. Shifts make it harder to commit to weekly church or small group and if your family aren’t Christians, there’s added pressure on your time off. Moving forward I’d like to see churches becoming less Sunday-centred and catering better for shift-workers.

How else can we serve police and emergency staff better as church?

Connect regularly, even if they’re new. Be intentional: get their contact details, have regular discipleship, and don’t assume they’re not interested if they don’t show up. Create weekday opportunities to meet up (not just evenings). Faith and Police Together helps builds bridges between communities and police. We encourage you to connect with your local policing team, ask what problems they’re tackling (they’re often hidden) and pray about them. Pray: God, how can we help see your kingdom come in this? Is God calling you to start a social action project? Praying is the most important thing, but where possible take practical action too.

How might our members pray for the CPA and the police?

Please pray for:

• courage for every Christian police officer to fulfil their God-given calling as His child in the service;

• for CPA to continue to be really relevant to our colleagues and communities; and

• wisdom for our leaders – demand is increasing, budgets are likely to be cut in months to come and the police need to lead with integrity and make tough decisions.

Want to work with the police to tackle systemic problems in your community? Check out this guide for faith groups by CPA and others.

Find out more about the CPA here.