The Evangelical Alliance Scotland has partnered with Christian relief charity Tearfund to encourage the UK church to pray into creation care and climate justice ahead of this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November.

Tearfund, a member of the Evangelical Alliance UK, operates in some of the poorest countries in the world, tackling poverty through sustainable development, responding to disasters and challenging injustice. In its climate change series, climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe describes climate change as being a poverty, hunger and inequality issue as well as an environmental one. 

The Evangelical Alliance Scotland agrees, so this summer we will be promoting Tearfund’s events and resources and would encourage you and your church to get involved in some of its amazing work, starting with Prayer in the Park.

Local prayers for a global climate crisis

Prayer in the Park is a day of prayer for the climate in local green spaces this World Environment Day, Saturday, 5 June. Organised by Tearfund, it takes place just a week before world leaders meet in Cornwall for the 2021 G7 Summit. Prayer in the Park is a powerful opportunity to pray for decisions that create a better world for us all, especially the poorest communities around the world.

Join in by heading to your local park or other outdoor spot and lifting up prayers for the climate crisis. You can do this alone or with others (in line with coronavirus restrictions).

Tearfund is preparing a resource specifically for this event, with prayer points to help guide a prayer walk or a time of stillness in God’s wonderful creation. This resource will be available on their webpage two weeks before the event, so make sure to check back later. For now, save the date! You can also set a reminder by joining Tearfund’s Facebook event.

Want to know more?

For more ideas on how to pray ahead of COP26, which will be held in Glasgow, check out Tearfund’s website, where you can find more information on how to join their prayer chain, become a climate intercessor and join the monthly prayer meetings for the climate crisis. 

Can’t wait to get involved in Tearfund’s future events? Keep an eye on Tearfund Scotland’s Facebook page for the latest updates.

Lord, thank you for this world. May you convict the hearts of all Christians in Scotland to care for it and live in a way that honours you. Go before Tearfund as the team plans their events. Give them all they need as they stand up for some of the world’s most vulnerable people. Thank you for the amazing work you are doing through them. Amen.