On Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 15 young professionals currently on the Public Leadership England programme had an opportunity to meet with influential politicians from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative and Labour Party and ask them how they each maintain their Christian values in high profile roles. Here’s what we can all learn.

Politics can be a force for good

Christians should take a lead in not taking a cynical view of politics, but be more politically informed of all the decisions in the round” – David Burrowes

As onlookers to the Punch and Judy of Wednesday’s prime minister’s questions or the endless news cycles of another political failure at the highest level of government, it can be difficult to believe politics can be a force for good for the nation. 

Last night, we had the opportunity to get up-close and personal with three Christian politicians to hear how their faith informs their politics, their work ethic within parliament and why they believe politics can be a force for good.

Tim Farron is the Liberal Democrat MP for Westmoreland and Lonsdale and has set up Faith in Public, a forum where policymakers and the general public can gain a better understanding on the role of faith in public life.

Rachael Maskell is the Labour MP for York Central. She is currently the vice chair of the Health and Social Committee select committee, a persistent advocate for her constituency to access the real living wage, and also chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group on Adoption and Permanence, a group that advocates for the most vulnerable children in society and promotes effective policies that strengthen families.

David Burrowes is associated with several charitable causes and was the former Conservative MP for Enfield Southgate. Today, he serves as the prime minister’s Deputy Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief, where his role is to encourage international leaders, parliamentarians and faith and belief civil society to end global religious persecution.

In each of their contributions, it was notable to hear Tim, Rachael and David speak passionately about Christian witness and its distinctiveness within politics and political debate. They encouraged the emerging leaders in the room that the posture of humility, seeking and speaking truth and being a person of integrity are values worth upholding in places of work because they are so scarce in society.

They also spoke openly about the need for every Christian to become politically informed and engaged on the issues that impact communities at a local level. They collectively described the nature of their work as service to others’ and that they are passionate about speaking out on rising inequalities and injustices in different communities across the country – values intrinsic to the Christian faith and perfectly embodied in the humanity of Jesus Christ.

Public Leader Westminster Visit2

Politics can be a force for good because it reminds this nation of its rich Christian heritage that once shaped its laws and even the architecture of parliament. When Christians engage in politics with humility and discernment, it makes Jesus known to a culture that has forgotten its first love. 

For Christians, I absolutely think politics is about service. You are there to be influential on behalf of those who do not have influence” – Tim Farron MP 

God is raising up a generation faithful to His word and committed to serving others

The Evangelical Alliance has a 30 -year vision to bring long-term cultural transformation to the UK by investing in young leaders to live and lead in every sphere of life. 

Public Leadership is a 10-month programme providing biblical reflections, mentorship and community for those at the start of their professional career. Driven by God’s invitation to partner with Him in the restoration of all things, the programme is designed to inspire those in their 20s to mid-30s in how they too can be a faithful witness in their area of work, be that the arts, business, education, medicine or all other areas. 

Public Leader Westminster Visit March 2024

Those who came to the event in parliament work across different sectors and industries. Some work in local government, others in accountancy, engineering, health, law, academia and creative industries. They each share a personal conviction that their workplace is their mission field and see it as their responsibility to work in such a way that brings honour to God. 

Leadership takes courage, but more so for those Christian men and women who like Isaiah respond and say, here I am Lord, send me’. The emerging generation is ready to step into their work cultures (often devoid of godly values and vision) and do so believing that they bring the fragrance of Christ which can make all the difference. 

My prayer for myself and those further on in faith and professional life is that we would play an important role in discipling, praying for and coming alongside the vast majority in our churches working in a secular context. 

It is important that whatever our sphere of work or influence, we encourage one another” – Rachael Maskell MP 

In the midst of political chaos and cultural decline, I am encouraged because God is on the move. He is raising up a generation who love Him, who are skilled in proclaiming the good news within the workplace and have received an anointing of leadership to serve others and usher in the kingdom of God to every layer of society. Their success is fuelled by the intercessions of believers. May we all not grow faith-less in these days, but instead pray confidently that He who has begun a good work in us and in creation is faithful to bring it to completion. 

Applications for 2024 – 2025 Public Leader programme open in early April. To attend a taster session or be the first to hear when applications open, please sign up to Public Leadership’s e-newsletter.

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