To call Gill and Ken Morgan extraordinary doesn’t quite seem to do them justice. Now 80 and 78 respectively, they have enjoyed remarkable lives, involved in a wide range of exploits in the name of the gospel and have journeyed with countless young people during their 45 years together. Their warm and open personalities, comedic anecdotes, and elaborate stories coupled with their generous passion for hospitality in their home, with an ever-open-door policy, and whimsical Narnia-inspired walk, made them all the more fascinating and special to meet.

Residing in the leafy suburbs of Surrey, I met Gill and Ken on a sunny autumn morning for breakfast at their home. For a city dweller the gardens could feel intimidatingly impressive, but the couple who greeted me at the door were friendly, inviting, and down to earth. Showing no signs of slowing down and taking things easy was clear from the outset, as they explained that they had already been to the gym and the swimming pool before my arrival. They then went on to tell me how they have always been people on the go’ in both their professional and spiritual lives – Ken as a chartered accountant and Gill as a ground- breaking tax inspector, becoming one of the most senior women at the Inland Revenue.

You never retire!” laughed Gill, as the couple went on to tell me about their eventful lives as local leaders and serving on national committees. Their interests extend widely: Ken as a Compassion trustee, (UK board and International board) and Gill as founding director of both CWR and Fusion, as well as school governors and a number of other charities in a variety of roles. They continue to be instrumental nationally and locally and I soon realise not retiring is a sentiment that they deeply take to heart.

When I asked them what they would say was their motto for ministry and indeed for life Gill prefaced her response and warned me that as self- professed opposites, Ken would probably disagree and that I should quote them individually. Everything we do is looking to Jesus,” she said, Similar to the motto of the Crusaders.” (The Crusaders has since been renamed Urban Saints).

For the most part Ken agrees and says that he is inspired and amused by Romans 12:13, Practice hospitality and support the saints.” Hospitality was ever-present in his home, and he has supported Southampton Football club (the Saints) since he was 12!

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I am met with fits of laughter from the couple as I ask them to elaborate on the statement of being total opposites, and as they share humorous stories of having completely differing approaches to things, they go on to explain that somehow their contrasting personalities work together and have complimented each other throughout their 45 years of marriage. It is evident as they talk, the undeniable love, adoration and compatibility between the two and it is heartwarming to watch. 

Both from Christian families, Gill explains that she joined Girl Crusaders at the age of 12 and at age 16 attended the Wellesley Fellowship, a mixed group of young adults. It was a breath of fresh air… it opened up my whole world!” she recalls. 

Ken joined Urban Saints, then called Crusaders, at age 20, after a year in India on voluntary services overseas, which deepened and intensified his faith. I became so passionate on that trip,” Ken recounts. When I came back Mum suggested I apply.” Soon after, Ken experienced an unexpected call to leadership following the tragic death of the group’s leader. It was through the organisation that the couple would later meet. Soon after marrying, the couple opened up their home and created a sanctuary for young people to share their life, have fun and learn about Jesus”. 

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We are totally relational people,” Gill states. The couple, along with other supporters, launched Virginia Water Crusaders, going door to door in their neighbourhood, knocking and inviting young people to attend a new Bible class. 

The response was astounding. On the first day 137 young people turned up and 13 volunteers came to help, it was extraordinary!” Gill recalls. The weekly group went on for 20 years, growing in size and support. As a result, Gill and Ken have seen hundreds of children, and children’s children come through their home. 

But the couple repeatedly affirm that they couldn’t have done it on their own. We were so blessed to have so much help,” Gill gushed, “…great commitment from a fabulous bunch!” 

Gill and Ken talk fondly of the amazing people they have met and the incredible legacy their parents left them of compassion and hospitality. We are so grateful to our parents,” says Gill. 

We are blessed,” Ken adds, My parents were extraordinary people!” 

Gill reflects on the many God-ordained moments which allowed friendships to blossom as they galvanised support for their life’s mission. People have been very generous and supportive over the years,” she says.

"The more they talk, it becomes apparent that everything Gill and Ken do demonstrates their love for others and commitment to serve people, their community and those in need."

Ken reminisces on the beautiful friendship he experienced with the late, great Joel Edwards, the former director of the Evangelical Alliance. He becomes moved, as he remembers that he had once told Joel that he wanted him to speak at his funeral, Sadly now that will never be,” Ken laments.

The couple joined the Evangelical Alliance as members due to the compelling pitch’ by Clive Calver at Spring Harvest. They say they were inspired by the vision of the organisation and its work, to make Jesus known to all people from all walks of life. Ken himself was the treasurer for the Evangelical Alliance for 17 years.

When I asked the couple what they wanted their legacy to be, they pondered and Ken replied, We want the work we’ve done to continue.”

Gill replies: That’s right. All we can do in our lifetime is plant the seeds.”

The more they talk, it becomes apparent that everything Gill and Ken do demonstrates their love for others and commitment to serve people, their community and those in need. As they then walked me around their incredible garden, one part inspired by the children’s book, The Chronicles of Narnia, Ken explains: Narnia is a significant expression of the gospel – C S Lewis wrote it that way. Rowan Williams wrote in his book A Journey Into the Heart of Narnia, it offers the opportunity of coming across the Christian story as if for the first time’. So it’s not just a bit of frivolity on our part, but an expression of our belief, and as Aslan says, I am in your world, but there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name.’”

I see their eyes light up as we embark on our tour and they recount the many stories of children who have passed through this wondrous place and their experiences of adventure, glee and exhilaration as they discover its many finds, from the surreal wardrobe, to the train station complete with train track and functioning motorised train, to the treehouse and life size’ Aslan, buried in the deep forest at the end of the trail. It is a truly magical place, and every inch of the land they steward, conveys that they are people who care about people. It is evident to me that it is their true heart’s desire to see joy on the faces of everyone who they encounter, and I have no doubt that they do, myself included!