I have been very busy recently, as huge changes have been made across politics in Wales. I was present, sitting in the gallery of the Senedd on December 12, when Welsh Labour Leader Mark Drakeford was voted to succeed Carwyn Jones as First Minister. Since then Mark has announced his new cabinet and participated in his first ‘First Minister’s Questions’ in his new post last Tuesday.

Once elected, Mark gave a passionate acceptance speech in which he thanked his predecessor and focused heavily on the former First Minister, Rhodri Morgan. During this speech, Mark Drakeford declared that he wanted to be a beacon of hope in darkening skies”.

Perhaps, because it was Christmas, this phrase instantly made me think about Isaiah 9:2: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.” As Mark Drakeford serves as First Minister, he is attempting to make a positive political contribution to the people of Wales; however, as Christians, we have a greater hope than a beacon in the skies, for we know that Jesus is the light of the whole world. 

As our new First Minister begins his role this year, it would be a great disservice if Christians were not praying for Mark and his family at this time. Being a politician is often a thankless, stressful and very public position, let alone being the First Minister. 

In the book of 1 Timothy, 2:1 – 2 readers: I urge you that supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions.” Here, we read that we are not only to pray for the leaders that God has given us, not only to pray and ask God for them to do things that we want, but we are urged’ to intercede and give thanks for them. 

I am sure Mark Drakeford would appreciate our prayers for him and for Wales at this crucial time, so I encourage you to read more about praying for our leaders in this political climate.