In the light of the tragic death of George Floyd, CEO Gavin Calver joins with the thousands of voices around the world, to declare with one accord, that the indescribable pain and dehumanisation of others because of the colour of their skin has to stop.

Let us stand together as brothers and sisters in Christ, as we cry out for justice, as we stand with those suffering oppression, as we weep with those grieving and in pain.

We all have a responsibility to act against discrimination and systemic racism in our workplaces, in our churches, in our justice system and in our wider communities. 

We cannot view this as a white vs black issue. This is a clarion call for us to come together and fight every form of racism in all it’s disgusting manifestations. As the church we must unite across all ethnicities in saying, and showing, that all are created equal, all people bear God’s image. There can be no place for racism in our society. We must unite and work together to see it eradicated and eliminated from all our structures and relationships.

Join us as we pray for all affected by this. May the Lord move powerfully across the world at this time.