Did you know...

  • Between September and the end of March, our advocacy team had 94 meetings with MPs, organisations and church leaders.
    Find out more about our advocacy team, and what they are working on here.
  • In the past year we have produced dozens of innovative resources to equip the UK church. You can view just some of our digital, print and podcast resources below, and even more are available on our resources page.
  • Our team has been supporting the local church as well as organisations through hundreds of speaking engagements, talks or teaching sessions, and one on one meetings with church or organisational leaders.
    Why not request a speaker, view our upcoming events or read more about the work of our unity team.
  • We have teams based all over the UK, you can get in contact with them here or sign up to their newsletters here.
  • In the past year we welcomed 5000 new members strengthening the unity and voice of the Evangelical Alliance.

Thank you for joining with us in our work — together we are making Jesus known.

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