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27 August 2015

British Values

The Evangelical Alliance is exploring the issues surrounding British values. This is a complex and controversial debate. It relates to our sense of national identity, the common good, and the priorities and direction for our society.

The government has suggested core values should be taught in schools and be accepted and upheld by everyone in the UK. This exploration of British identity has led to discussions on possibly introducing a British Bill of Rights as well as a written constitution. This affects Christians and the gospel in the UK. Christianity has greatly shaped British values and identity for the better. So what does this debate on British Values mean for evangelicals?

This year the Evangelical Alliance polled 1,730 evangelicals on the issue. Here, idea magazine exclusively reveals the results.

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Examining British society

 Virtues and vices

Christianity and British values

Policy: Evangelicals seem to support the idea of the government defining and promoting British values


To view more on this survey and the others conducted by the Evangelical Alliance, visit: eauk.org/snapshot

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