Talking Jesus
Landmark research into the UK's perception of Jesus, Christians and evangelism
What do people in the UK know and believe about Jesus?
What do they really think of us, his followers? Are we talking about Jesus enough? And when we are, are we drawing people closer towards him, or further away?
In 2015 we were delighted to partner with the Church of England and HOPE with Barna Group and ComRes to publish the biggest research of its kind on perceptions of Jesus, Christians and evangelism in England. Those findings led to more research in 2017, focusing on young people, and to the launch of Talking Jesus — The Course in 2018.
Then in 2022 we partnered with Alpha, HOPE Together, Luis Palau Association and Kingsgate Community Church, to do the follow up research showing the state of faith in the UK, how people come to faith in Jesus and how we, as the church, can talk about Jesus more effectively with our friends and in our community.
Visit www​.talk​ing​je​sus​.org to access all the research.
Printed A5 copies of the 2022 report are now available now on the Hope Together shop here: Hope Shop Talking Jesus report
To continue the conversation we’re holding Perspective: a Mission and Evangelism conference