Live Life 123
Live Life 123 is a way of life - a commitment to create a GOD-HONOURING FUTURE by investing in intentional, accountable, disciple-making.
Jesus gave us a mandate in Matthew 28:18 – 20 to go and make disciples of all people groups. But are people being truly discipled today in the model that Jesus shows us throughout the gospels?Life Live 123 aims to be a simple idea that can inspire people all over the world to embrace a life of intentional, baton carrying, disciple making. What does this?Have…ONE person you’re learning from. Someone who can help and challenge you to become everything that God created you to be. TWO people who you share your life with, being open about your real struggles, your secret life. Mutually accountable, challenging, real relationships. THREE people you are equipping to become all that God created them to be, living like Jesus in the world. Inspiring each of them to share their faith with others.The website resources you to grow your faith and the faith of others with a range of videos, audios, tips and helps.