// Resources to equip you to make Jesus known

Remember When uses captivating videos and biblical discussions to explore how we can all be a witness to Jesus.
Is the 'missing generation' still missing?
An in-depth look at how young adult faith has been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic
Hymns We Love
An evangelistic series that shares the good news of Jesus with those later in life by exploring the Christian beliefs expressed in some of the nation’s best-loved hymns.
A ‘Storehouse’ full of resources for anyone looking to make disciples, plant churches and prepare for revival.
engaGE24 interactive quiz
Find the policies that are most important to you and get help and advice to guide you as you prepare to vote.
Write to your local Prospective Parliamentary Candidates (PPCs)
Write to your local PPCs ahead to ask crucial questions and make sure poverty is at the forefront of their minds ahead of the general election.
Voting like Jesus
'Voting Like Jesus' is here to help you, and your church navigate the next six weeks, and beyond, with grace!
The Whole Life Podcast
Christian politicians from four major UK parties discuss how the Christian story connects to both their own work and their parties' unique character and policies.
Christians in politics video resources
A wide range of video resources to download and use in your local setting. They make the biblical case for answering the call into public life.
Revival Ready video series
Steve & Esther Uppal and guests explore the subject of revival in this video series
Become a Jesus sharing church with i61m
With i61m's free app + roadmap, support your church to grow in confidence in sharing life, faith and Jesus with friends.