Voting is an obvious way in which we can engage in the upcoming general election. Nevertheless, as followers of Jesus, voting isn’t our only or even primary means of engagement.  Followers of Jesus are people of prayer.

Be it on our knees by our beside or standing in a gathering with our church family, prayer reminds us that our ultimate allegiance is to Jesus our king, and that our ultimate hope within and beyond this election is to see His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

In the document below, you will find passages and prompts to support you as you pray for this general election. There is also a PowerPoint you can use in prayer meetings/​services.

They can be used in both private and public times of prayer.

As we pray these prayers, it is our hope that they will be used by the Lord to both shape outcomes in this upcoming election, and also to shape our hearts into His likeness, making us those who together seek the good of our neighbour and the spread of the gospel in this nation.