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Time for Discipleship?  

As disciples of Jesus we are all learning and growing in our knowledge of God. We are aiming to live lives of faith in today's busy world.

  • Our research has found that evangelicals can really see God at work in their lives
  • They are embracing new smartphone technology to help them read the Bible on the go
  • They really value their Church and home groups.

But challenges remain:

  • Low prayer levels, a widespread feeling that churches are not discipling new Christians well
  • Evangelicals saying they do not feel equipped to share their faith.


To help churches and small groups take a deeper look at some of the issues we've produced downloadable discussion questions, a Powerpoint presentation and a short summary of the key findings (based on pages 4-5 of the report).


Christian leaders from around the UK, including Alliance council members, have reflected on the report's findings on film. Perfect to show in your small group or church service to stimulate discussion, visit www.eauk.org/discipleship to access the videos and longer talks on discipleship from our council meeting.


This report was published in April 2014, with the survey taken by 1,529 evangelicals in November 2013. More detailed information about this survey is available. If you have specific questions arising from the reports or would like to see the original data tables, please contact our research manager, Greg Smith, at [email protected].