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01 May 2014

Opportunity for organisations to join our Research Club

Your organisation has the exciting opportunity to become a partner in our 21st Century Evangelicals research programme and gain vital data on your own profile and impact.

An ongoing research programme into the beliefs and practices of evangelical Christians in the UK, our findings are helping churches, Christian leaders and organisations better understand believers. The programme is enabling the Church to make effective plans for mission and ministry in the UK.

We are researching what people think about politics, what their prayer lives looks like, how they view poverty and what they are doing in their community to make an impact. We are also planning ahead to a second mega survey at Christian festivals in 2016.

If you are interested in partnering with us on this exciting programme please contact Lucy Olofinjana at [email protected] or 020 7520 3843. 

What are the benefits to you?

  • Contribute to high-quality research that will inspire and inform the UK Church to be more effective in its mission
  • Increase your profile – your brand will appear on all the printed reports and the website and to our 2,800 subscribers
  • Have the chance to include your questions in our surveys, gaining vital opinion polling on your organisational profile and impact, campaigns and projects
  • Have an advert in one report 
  • Shape the direction of the topical surveys and reports
  • Find out more about your key audience - the wider evangelical constituency
  • Receive free copies of each report
  • Network with other key Christian organisations with the same interests

What is the 21st Century Evangelicals research?

What is a typical evangelical Christian? What do they think? What do they believe? What do they do? Questions the Evangelical Alliance and their Research Club partners are exploring as part of the 21st Century Evangelicals research series.

More than 17,000 people took part in our first survey in 2010, leading to the groundbreaking report 21st Century Evangelicals. Since then we have been taking a regular snapshot of evangelicals' beliefs, opinions and activities, surveying our panel of almost 4,000 people.

At least 1,500 take part in each of our quarterly surveys and we use the findings to produce reports on topical issues. Previous themes have included money, evangelism, the family and education. We also produce discussion questions and Powerpoint resources to help churches and small groups engage with the findings. The media have also used our stats in their reports, including The Telegraph and the Church Times.

Visit www.eauk.org/snapshot to view and download all the reports.

What our current Research Club members say:

"The regular statistics on levels of awareness of our organisation have proved extremely useful, and our profile as an organisation has been raised significantly since joining the club. For us this is great value for money as the yearly cost is less than one mass-mailing."
Gordon Gill, Communications Manager, Prospects

"CAP enjoy being part of Evangelical Alliance's Research Club. It has helped us to understand the landscape of the Christian community we partner with and to input into the ever growing voice the Church has in our community as it seeks to be at the forefront of social change."
Daniel Furlong, Grants and Research Officer, Christians Against Poverty

How will YOU get involved?

  • Communications/research officers from your organisation will have the chance to attend two face-to-face meetings and two conference calls.
  • You will have the opportunity to shape the survey questions and the focus of the reports.
  • Submit your own questions for the omnibus survey.

How to join

To become a member or find out more please contact Lucy Olofinjana at [email protected] or on 020 7520 3843.