Evangelical Alliance hi res 14

Peter Lynas

Peter oversees the advocacy team and the work of the Alliance across the four UK nations. He is passionate about faith in the public square and leads the Being Human project with Jo Frost. He previously worked as a barrister in Belfast before studying theology at Regent College in Vancouver, where he serves on the board. Peter is a regular media commentator, is married to Rose, has two daughters, and loves running.

Why I wrote Transformed

29 November 2018I felt ill-equipped to answer these questions. The Bible has much to say on identity and the importance of the body, but I needed to understand more if I were to offer any guidance. I decided to read all I could and meet with people for whom this is a very real experience. So, I met with the trans groups in my local area. One group works with those who are post-operative, another supports families, and a third is mainly made up of young people who have a much more fluid view of being…



1 July 2018Barely a day seems to go by without a transgender news story. From the bathroom wars in the US, to arguments about sporting rules based on gender, from disagreements about school uniform policies, to advice from the British Medical Association to use the phrase 'pregnant people' in place of expectant mothers. In the midst of all this, the Scottish Government has consulted on proposals to change the Gender Recognition Act, to allow people to self-identify when it comes to gender. The current law…


Austen Ivereigh

1 September 2017He founded Catholic Voices in 2010 aiming to give the Church a voice on contentious issues. Peter Lynas asked him about the Reformation, ecumenical relations and the challenges facing the Church today. Tell us a little about your work with Catholic Voices Catholic Voices (CV) was founded in 2010 around the visit of Pope Benedict to the UK and has now grown to 26 countries. The great learning from 2010 is that the media doesn’t exclude the voice of the Church, it’s just that contemporary…