Nathan Sadler

Nathan Sadler

Nathan joined the Evangelical Alliance in October 2020 on the graduate scheme after completing an English literature degree earlier in the year. Nathan, who also works part-time for Alpha, is passionate about the discipling of the next generation of church leaders and equipping churches to be missional in their communities. Being a Welsh speaker, one of his interests involves sourcing the best that Welsh language music has to offer. Nathan is also a keen wild swimmer wherever and whenever possible, and is a big fan of Everton FC.

Celebrating Christmas with confidence

10 December 2020As we begin to finalise our plans of how to celebrate Christmas this year, which members of the family to spend it with, on which day, a recent BBC Wales article quotes a government report, which states: “If people can avoid seeing others over the Christmas period, perhaps postponing celebrations until later next year or meeting remotely, then this is strongly advised”. Whilst the word “if” implies that this does not rule out meeting loved ones, it does appear that where the Technical Advisory…


Gaining hope in a year of loss / Ennill gobaith mewn blwyddyn o golled

27 November 2020The encouragement for us, however, as we begin to look at the story of Christmas, is that what the world gained when Jesus was born will always triumph and be a comfort for any feeling of loss that we may experience. What’s more, this hope that was gained when God came into the world in the form of a baby isn’t just for those who lived in Nazareth two thousand years ago. The Bible tells us that His name, Emmanuel, means “God with us”. Even in a time when people are scattered and isolated, God…


November update: Wales reopening guidelines after 'fire-break'

10 November 2020After a seventeen day period, where places of worship were unable to open their doors, the end of Wales' 'fire-break' signals for many people the return to meet as a church again in person. Many churches may decide to continue to gather digitally, whilst some will choose to enter their church buildings again. What we do know, and what has been made clear in these past months, is that church means far more than simply a building. Whilst churches are again able to reopen, guidelines for how we…