Luke Gratton

Luke works for Compassion UK as head of partnerships (compassionuk.org). In addition to his work for Compassion, he is church planting alongside his wife (Kaz) in the city of Derby. Luke is a pastor with the Assemblies of God and loves coffee, especially when it is paired with a great conversation with leaders/friends.
How ‘sharing Jesus more’ can be the resolution you actually keep in 2023
4 January 2023It’s so important – we read that Jesus’ commanded us to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). So, how do we set and maintain ‘missional fitness habits’ that will help us to keep this commandment throughout 2023? Here are just three ideas. While each idea is inspired by a lesson I’ve learned on my fitness journey, the principles behind them are also profoundly inspired by the day-to-day work of Compassion. 1. Buddy up. Be a part of a community with like-minded people who share…