Luke Compassion

Luke Gratton

Luke works for Compassion UK as head of partnerships ( In addition to his work for Compassion, he is church planting alongside his wife (Kaz) in the city of Derby. Luke is a pastor with the Assemblies of God and loves coffee, especially when it is paired with a great conversation with leaders/friends.

How ‘sharing Jesus more’ can be the resolution you actually keep in 2023

4 January 2023It’s so important – we read that Jesus’ commanded us to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). So, how do we set and maintain ‘missional fitness habits’ that will help us to keep this commandment throughout 2023? Here are just three ideas. While each idea is inspired by a lesson I’ve learned on my fitness journey, the principles behind them are also profoundly inspired by the day-to-day work of Compassion. 1. Buddy up. Be a part of a community with like-minded people who share…