John Mc Ginley

John McGinley

John McGinley co-leads The Send UK & Ireland. He has been ordained in the Church of England for 28 years. He works for The Gregory Centre for Church multiplication leading the Myriad Programme, which supports everyday people to start new church communities. He is the author of a number of books, including The Church of Tomorrow, which presents a hopeful vision of how God is reshaping His church for mission.

Young adults: God is on the move

6 September 2024There is a fresh move of God taking place. Everywhere I go I hear reports of God’s work amongst young people. Generations Z & Alpha are the first pre-Christian generation in our nation for hundreds of years and they are curious about faith and spiritual things and looking for meaning in life. Into these open hearts God is speaking through dreams, creating in them a hunger to read the Bible and calling them to connect with church. Christians in these generations are growing in missional…