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Helen Locke

Helen joined the Evangelical Alliance in October 2020. Prior to this, she trained in ministry for a year in Birmingham where she worked with students and was immersed in church life, in between summers working for the charity Open Doors. Helen studied English literature with creative writing modules, and loves writing, painting and walks with friends in all weathers.

Creative ministry: Rebuilding worship

14 May 2021Communal singing continues to be regarded as one of the most dangerous things you can do amid the coronavirus pandemic, and yet, as Geraldine explains, “song and singing have always been dangerous weapons”. They shared what they’ve learned about creative worship since March last year, how they’ll hold onto those lessons when restrictions are removed, and the opportunities ahead for reaching out creatively to our communities through the power of Spirit-filled song.


Creative ministry: Capturing God’s generous creation

14 May 2021PB: God knows creation is a way for people to see and respond to Him. It’s around us all the time for us to experience and engages each of our five senses. God in His generosity makes Himself abundantly available all the time. He’s presenting Himself in all He’s made. It’s like saying, ‘Hey, what about this? What about Me?’ That verse (Psalm 65:8) shows that dawn and dusk are asking ‘how will you worship?’ It’s a direction as well as a demonstration.


Creative ministry: A gateway to the gospel

14 May 2021They’ve also produced regular broadcasts on BBC and RTE TV and Radio, often producing scripts for services as well as music. 'Patrick', the most recent of NIA’s concerts, was an evening of music and stories to celebrate Ireland’s patron saint, livestreamed from Belfast Cathedral. I spoke to Jonathan to hear how God is using Christians’ musical creativity to connect with culture and with non-churchgoers and why he is passionate about encouraging Christians in the arts.


Creative ministry: The heavens declare…

14 May 2021King David sang about how God speaks to us in Psalm 19, starting with a meditation on His glorious creation: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge." Then, what seems like a straightforward praise song looking at the natural world, becomes a celebration of God’s law in the Torah: “The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.” As one Bible commentary puts it,…


Reflections from the Evangelical Alliance Leadership Conference

19 February 2021The online event was organised after the Evangelical Alliance saw the need for Christians who hold positions of leadership, both within the church and in other spheres of society, to share reflections and pray into what is happening in the UK and what God is saying to His church. The evening was a mixture of interviews, worship, prayer and talks, hosted by Gavin Calver, CEO of the Evangelical Alliance, and Jo Frost, director of communications and engagement, with contributions from evangelical…


Worshipping creatively in a pandemic

18 December 2020Bible journaling has helped me worship. Writing creatively, as I feed on God’s word, helps focus my mind in this pandemic. For me, worship is about getting to know and love God, conversing with Him, and lifestyle, as much as it’s about singing with others when at church. What are your thoughts on creativity and personal worship? Worshipping God is totally a lifestyle. So, for example, I enjoy going on walks, and it’s at those times when I’m surrounded by nature that I find myself chatting away…


IDOP Online: Let's honour the persecuted church, our risk-taking family

29 October 2020Some of us may have heard the story of Hae Woo, a brave North Korean Christian, who once planted a church in a labour camp. In 2018, after speaking at a Christian festival in the UK with Open Doors, she gave out pairs of socks to some of us younger people. I treasure these socks in a box under my desk, especially since they have been given by someone who knows what it’s like to suffer in freezing cold conditions. They are printed with the words: “Adversity does teach who your real friends…