Ed Drew

Ed Drew is the Ministry Director for Faith in Kids, a charity which exists to see confident parents and thriving churches, raising children together, to trust Christ eternally. Following his career as an engineer, and because of his passion for discipling children, he became the children's ministry leader for a large church in London, before setting up Faith in Kids in response to a growing demand from other churches for training, support and resources. Ed has worked with children and families for more than 15 years. He is the author of 'Meals with Jesus', 'the Wonder of Easter', 'The Adventure of Christmas' and most recently 'Raising Confident Kids in a Confusing World'. He is the presenter of the Faith in Kids podcast. He’s married to Mary and they have three children.
Halloween: ideas for sharing Jesus – and raising courageous kids
2 October 2023When my colleague, Amy, moved into her new home, she asked the boys playing football in the road what her new neighbours were like. They pointed at every house in the road and gave her a unique description for each resident. She was amazed by how carefully precise they were for each one. She asked, “How have you worked them all out?” They answered, “Halloween.” Once a year, these boys knock on every door in the road. On that evening, each year, they have their descriptions of each neighbour…