Dr Sheryl Haw

Dr Sheryl Haw

Sheryl Haw has spent more than 20 years working together with communities around the world addressing relief, development and justice concerns. She is currently working as a hospital chaplain in Carlisle and as a guest lecturer at All Nations Christian College.

Reimagining church and mission

25 August 2020However, despite initial alarm bells ringing, no consensus on how to respond was agreed. By the end of January more than 7,800 cases in China and close to 100 in a further 18 countries were reported. The Chinese New Year compounded the problem as it heralded a time of travel as many returned to their homes to celebrate. The WHO increasingly became concerned about the slowness of governmental responses and declared a pandemic on 11 March 2020. Churches in the UK were closed by 22 March and by 28…