Asian Concern

Asian Concern is a registered Scottish charity (SCO 20697) founded in 1989 by a small group of Christians from several churches and different minority ethnic backgrounds. Our aim is to share God's love in Jesus Christ through friendship with the Asian community in Edinburgh and the Lothians. We work through volunteers and presently have two honorary fieldworkers. Asian Concern is funded through a few funding applications a year, through fund raising (e.g. curry nights), various regular donations and the generosity of our members and the public. We are very grateful for all the financial help we receive.
Hope for the hungry
11 February 2022They helped to bring together a small group of local charitable organisations: Pall Singh;Asian Concern;The Mosque Kitchen;Panjabi Junction (Asian Women's Project); andSt Peter's Church. It was agreed that because of the hardship many individuals and families were facing, we should explore setting up and distributing food. This would help to provide one or two hot meals a week for those in the community that were facing enormous challenges. We all met remotely to discuss how we could help…