Alicia Edmund

Alicia Edmund

Alicia joined the Evangelical Alliance as head of public policy in August 2021. Since then, she has worked on a range of issues from asylum resettlement, refugee integration, poverty relief and religious freedom in the UK and overseas. Alicia leads the advocacy team’s parliament and Whitehall engagement and is focusing all legislative engagement this year on three core themes: dignity, freedom and justice.

Let your MP know attempts to decriminalise abortion puts women and unborn children at greater risk

23 January 2024The advocacy team here at the Evangelical Alliance, have briefed parliamentarians ahead of the vote, stating the importance of the law in protecting the pregnant woman and the unborn child. We have also set out alternative pro-life affirming policies and practices in maternity units that could better support women and families during and following pregnancy. We anticipate MPs will debate the revised Bill and vote on these two amendments in early February and we would encourage members to write…


Changes to abortion and criminal law put women and unborn children at risk

18 December 2023On 28 November 2023, the Criminal Justice Bill received its second reading in the Commons. This is the government’s flagship legislation to introduce tougher sentences for those who commit sexual and violent offences and increase police powers to tackle anti-social behaviour in the community, drug offences and knife violence on the streets. So, the question is, why does a bill focused on law and order haves two amendments to decriminalise abortion? The short answer is Stella Creasy and Diana…


Briefing: Martyn’s Law and how it could impact church services and events

20 November 2023We recognise the importance of any government to be attentive to national security concerns and seek to protect the public from any terrorist incidents whilst balancing its responsibility to promote individual freedoms, the cornerstone of any healthy liberal democracy. The Terrorism Protection Premise Bill, also known as Martyn’s Law, is proving to be a difficult piece of legislation for the government in balancing these two responsibilities.


The King’s Speech: 21 new bills but no mention of conversion therapy

7 November 2023“My ministers’ focus is on increasing economic growth and safeguarding the health and security of the British people for generations to come”, said King Charles III. Put another way, the King’s Speech was all centred around an upcoming general election next year. The accompanying briefing note published minutes after the speech outlined the 21 bills in full and structured them under three headings: Growing the economyStrengthening societyKeeping people safe The proposed bills include Holocaust…


Spotlight: our advocacy team

3 October 2023The purpose of our advocacy work is not to reinstall a Christian nation-state, but it is to defend the freedom to share the gospel and to ensure evangelicals are free from discrimination or harassment in public life. Meet the team The London team consists of Danny Webster, director of advocacy, myself, Nicola Martin, public policy officer (Westminster), and Damilola, advocacy engagement lead. Leading our public policy and church engagement work in Scotland and Wales we have Chris Ringland and…


Westminster round-up: Making sense of it all

21 July 2023This break provides time for the Westminster team to reflect on the last six months and prepare and respond to calls for evidence from parliamentary committees and statutory bodies in August. The advocacy work here at the Evangelical Alliance is built around two core pillars. The first is to contribute Biblical wisdom as policymakers introduce new laws and update policy guidance across the UK. The second is to educate evangelical Christians on the political and cultural changes in society so…


UK Covid Inquiry invites evangelicals to share experiences in new campaign

13 July 2023Since February, you will have seen high-profile politicians such as Matt Hancock, David Cameron, and others being questioned on the first theme of the Public Inquiry, ‘resilience and preparedness’. But the Inquiry continues into the next stages, examining a wide range of themes around the UK’s response and the impact of the pandemic, in order to learn lessons for the future. Now, in their new ‘Every Story Matters’ campaign, the Inquiry team is inviting the public to share their experience of…


‘What is a woman?’ – the question that continues to divide parliamentarians and the public

13 June 2023The cultural debate on sex, gender and identity is evolving at a pace quicker than the law can keep up with. A decade ago, the question ‘what is a woman?’ would have elicited reference to biology and scientific fact in response. Today, to answer in a way that states biological fact and differences is viewed by some as transphobic. This question ties politicians and celebrities alike in knots and continues to provoke strong reactions among progressively-minded individuals as well as social…


Further reflections on Colin Bloom’s faith engagement review

15 May 2023On 26 April 2023, Colin Bloom, the independent faith adviser to the government published the Does government do God? report; bringing together over 21,000 consultation responses from faith leaders, charities and academics from different religion or belief organisations. Before reading this reflection, I recommend you read the director of advocacy, Danny Webster’s article published on the day of publication. He gives a helpful overview of the report.


Police have new powers to arrest, but will this lead to law and order in society?

10 May 2023The final verse in Judges 21 paints an unsettling image where poor leadership and corrupt authority leads to chaos and disorder in society. The verse reads: ‘In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes’. Without agreement between authority and the people, civil unrest amongst the tribes of Israel persisted, idol practices were rife and the poor and most vulnerable in society were left without legal redress and neglected by those in power. The…


Maternity care for Black and Asian women deemed "appalling" by MPs

25 April 2023The difference in health outcomes during pregnancy and following childbirth based on ethnicity is well documented in medical journals and parliamentary inquiries. Since 1995, it has been government policy for hospitals in England and Wales to collect patient’s ethnicity data with the view that information will help identify health differences in the population. The first confidential enquiry report into maternal deaths in the UK was in 2000, and the reports have been conducted periodically ever…