Alex Drew

Alex leads the ongoing work and development of the Christian charity Faith in Later Life. She is passionate and experienced in inspiring and equipping people for the opportunities and challenges of later life, and in helping them know Jesus more deeply or for the first time. Alex has three grown up sons, and she lives in the West Country.
Ageism is not from the Bible – and it shouldn’t exist in our churches or society
29 September 2023It’s a social construct that brings together stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. And the way things are going, sooner or later, most of us will experience ageism throughout society, and even in the church. It comes from poor examples set for us by others in their attitudes and use of language, it comes from fear of death and of ageing, and it comes from denial – not facing up to the fact that ageing will likely happen to us too. It seeps into our culture when we don’t call it…