How long is your to-do list today? Church, family, work, friends, exercise… our lives are filled with so much to do and so many people to see. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. Or perhaps you are in one of life’s seasons of isolation and loneliness where the days seem long, and you are trapped in a cycle of just trying to get to the end of them.
Wherever we are in life, whether we need to press the pause button or we feel like our life is stuck on one, developing our relationship with God through Christ can fill those days with moments that refresh and recharge us. Our new monthly Pause for Thought series asks you to do just that.
We have invited Christians from around Wales to share their thoughts and inspire us to live our lives closer to Jesus, not just through the spectacular but through the every day. Pick up your copy of idea to see that month’s theme and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to read along with us.