The Evangelical Alliance in Scotland plays a vital role in promoting unity and communicating with our Scottish members.

"We work to see a vibrant, confident, creative, servant-hearted community of faith in every city town and village in Scotland. We believe that uniting believers is central to our mission, resourcing and encouraging the church to become more confident in the gospel and more united in prayer so that Jesus may move in power in our nation."
Fred Drummond Sept 2017 280
Fred Drummond
Head of prayer

We’re passionate about helping Christians and churches share the love of Jesus across Scotland and speak up for Him in our society.

We like networks. Being part of strong, active groups of Christians is important to us as we believe that as a church, we’re better together. Over the years, we’ve helped to start networks that can reach areas of the church and the UK that we can’t reach on our own. 

We care about the future of our nation and so we’re helping to raise up Christian public leaders to shape our society and see it changed in the name of Jesus.