Christians change culture. They confront the lies in our culture for what they are. They subvert, by offering a different story cutting across the dominant narrative. They re-create new horizons of possibility by inhabiting a story of hope.
We have created a video series exploring how we can live as those who change culture.
Hans Christian Anderson’s story of the Emperor’s new clothes is like a prophetic tale about the dominant narrative in the world in which we live.
This video looks at how to be kingdom carriers — public leaders who want their followers to be creators not consumers, image bearers not individuals, in a culture based on entrustment not entitlement.
We all have a worldview or story – core beliefs, values, a framework for how we see and understand the world. But when it comes to the big conversations in culture we sometimes jump in too quickly, failing to appreciate the conflicting worldviews at play. When hat happens we fail to communicate because we are talking different languages.
This video is just the first in a series exploring these ideas. Our grid is not definitive but it may articulate a framework for the space in which public leaders live, lead and change culture.
The pillars of the public square are the shared language or common
understanding that we as public leaders find there – terms such as
justice equality, freedom and truth. These are familiar terms to
Christians, but we often understand them differently to those around us.
There’s a lot of talk about justice these days from Governments through to Church leaders and grass roots movements. Ironically while everyone knows when they’ve been on the receiving end of injustice, justice remains a very difficult thing to define.
Again the God-story cuts across the present understandings of our world, putting wrongs right and restoring just and right relationship with himself, other people and creation.
‘All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.’
George Orwell, Animal Farm
The reality is that equality is open to interpretation. We live in a society in which each person ​‘does equality in their own eyes.’ When that happens equality becomes meaningless. Can we re-frame the divisive equality agenda to one characterised by equity, diversity and flourishing relationship?