Research shows that the UK is hungry for the gospel – book a free workshop to encourage your whole church in everyday witness.

Have you read the Talking Jesus report yet? It’s part of a six-way partnership aiming to map the UK landscape in terms of evangelism by finding out: non-Christians’ perceptions of both the church and Christians; how Christians feel about sharing faith; and how effectively the church is making Jesus known.

Our head of mission, Rachael Heffer, is passionate about unpacking the encouragements and challenges within this research with people. Regional data for Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England and London have been pulled out to further help churches and organisations across the UK to understand the landscape they are ministering in, as well as data for Young Adults. Rachael, or other Talking Jesus partners, would love to join you or your group, whether online with leadership teams or networks, or in person for longer workshops or conference speaking engagements.

If you would like us to unpack this research with your church, team, or organisation, either as a speaker or through training then get in touch by emailing mission@​eauk.​org.

"“The Talking Jesus findings bring oxygen into the room of missional discussion, they are encouraging, which inspires confident evangelism.” – David Meredith, mission director, Free Church of Scotland"