Thank you so much for considering leaving a legacy gift to the Evangelical Alliance – this is no small thing, and we are very grateful.

We strongly recommend that you enlist the help of a solicitor for this process, and currently you can also take advantage of our free will writing service.

Types of legacy gift

We understand that family and friends come first, and when it comes to making your will, this is no different – after all, making a will is a way of ensuring that those things God has put in your care will be taken care of after you are gone.

Once you have ensured that your loved ones are taken care of, may we ask that you prayerfully consider leaving a legacy gift to the Evangelical Alliance? It is because of the generous legacy gifts of supporters that we are able to do so much more to unite the Church and strengthen its voice.

There are a number of different types of legacies you can consider, the three most common being:

  • Residuary – a residuary legacy is a gift from the residue (or remainder) of one’s property, e.g. a percentage or share
  • Pecuniary – a pecuniary legacy is a gift of a specific sum of money
  • Specific – a specific legacy is usually a named item, e.g. a painting, jewellery

Legacy allocation

Any legacy gift of any size is a huge help and a wonderful blessing to the Evangelical Alliance. Most legacy gifts we receive are for our general funds. This is a great help to us, as we can then put the money towards our greatest area of need. It is also important to remember that we may no longer be working in the same areas as we are now by the time your will is enacted. If you would like to allocate your legacy gift to a particular area of our work, or to let us know about a legacy gift that you are planning to make, please speak to Hannah Mead on 0207 520 3840 or email h.​mead@​eauk.​org

Write your will for free with us

If you haven’t yet written your will, we are currently offering the opportunity for you to do this for free through us. There is no obligation for you to leave a legacy to the Evangelical Alliance when writing your will in this way, we only ask that you would prayerfully consider whether it is possible for you to leave a gift or a percentage of your estate to us. 

To find out more and start writing your will for free, click the link below which will take you to our partner, Octopus Legacy’s, website:

Have you already made a will?

If you already have a will and would like to add a legacy gift to the Alliance into this, a simple and hassle-free way to do this is to complete a codicil form – a short document that amends rather than replaces an existing will – and send it to your solicitor.

Preparing to meet your solicitor

You will need to give your solicitor some basic information about the Evangelical Alliance if you would like to include us in your will: our registered charity number in England and Wales is 212325 and in Scotland is SC040576. Our full name is The Evangelical Alliance and our registered office is 176 Copenhagen Street, London N1 0ST.

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Why I'm leaving a legacy

Why I'm leaving a legacy

Find out why people choose to leave a legacy Find out more