During this general election and in the months and years to come, the Evangelical Alliance is committed to ensuring that the church is equipped and encouraged to speak out and demonstrate the gospel hope we have for all of society.

We will do this through:

Prayer – Our engagement with politics starts with prayer. At this election and as the next government sets out their plans, we have resources to help you pray for the election, politicians and the government of our nations.

Equipping – Our election hub is designed to equip Christians to confidently use their vote, to think faithfully about politics and to speak good news to our society and culture.

Engaging – Our team is constantly engaging with politicians to let them know about the vital role churches play in their communities, and to voice your concerns and challenge relevant policies. In the months to come, we will likely have fresh opportunities but also new policy priorities to respond to.

"We are so grateful for you as you stand with us. The strength of the Evangelical Alliance comes from this unity."
Gavin Calver 2
Gavin Calver
CEO of the Evangelical Alliance