A message from the general director, Steve Clifford:
You and I live in unique times. Today, I’m convinced that there is a greater spiritual openness than I can remember for decades. Yet at the same time we face opposition.
I believe that, right now, God is calling us to act.
And that’s why I wrote to many of you recently – to ask you if you could help fight the opposition and seize more opportunities, by giving a gift today?
By giving your support today, you could do three things:
- You can help ensure Speak Up booklets get to where they’re needed, so people can understand the law and their gospel freedoms. You’ll give Christians confidence to share our faith more widely.
- You’ll build up the Great Commission online hub of tools for sharing the good news, including evangelism videos, resources and training for churches.
- You’ll put Christian advocates into the corridors of power to protect our freedoms, so that the government will drop proposals to regulate churches, Sunday schools and youth groups.
We face both opposition and opportunity on a scale not seen for decades. It’s vital that we work together. If there’s ever a time to stand against the opposition and grasp the opportunities, it’s now. Please will you help make Jesus known by sending a donation today.