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05 January 2016

Press release

Comment on acquittal of Pastor McConnell

Commenting on the acquittal of Pastor McConnell, Peter Lynas, national director of the Evangelical Alliance Northern Ireland, said:

"Today's verdict is a victory for common sense and freedom of speech. However, until the law is changed or clear guidance is issued, there will still be concern about further prosecution. The Public Prosecution Service need to explain why this case was brought and assure everyone that this will not happen again.

"This case contains challenges to both the State and the Church. It is vital that the State does not stray into the censorship of church sermons or unwittingly create a right not to be offended. Meanwhile, the Church must steward its freedom of speech responsibly, so as to present Jesus in a gracious and appealing way to everyone."


Media Enquiries

Danny Webster
Tel: 07766 444 650
Email: [email protected]

Notes to Editors

  1. Peter Lynas is available for interview

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