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03 March 2010

Personal Religion, Public Reality?

by Dallas Willard

One of Willard's complaints is that we need more clever people, and that many modern 'clever' people aren't clever at all. And this kind of sets the tone for this noble, if challenging enterprise. Willard admits himself that his book is no easy read and will take a more than usual degree of application. Indeed the book's title itself isn't exactly blockbuster material.

But this book is truly worth putting the effort into. Behind its urbane still is a stinging criticism of contemporary Christianity - in short, that we have left the thinking to the secularists and settled for a privatised faith that is little more than a leap into the dark.

Willard, passionately and eloquently argues that me must reclaim the Christian gospel as real knowledge and not just some woolly faith in something too good to be true. He argues that Christianity is reality and that it shapes more than just private feelings of religiosity or piety.

This book isn't for the general reader, but it is one that all Christian leaders would do well to invest time in. Read it slowly and pause after every chapter for some thinking time. What is perhaps most interesting is that this demanding book will actually help us answer some very straightforward questions that we are bound to be asked - like the classic, 'don't all roads lead to the same God.'

This is a brilliant book, by someone with a brilliant mind. I urge you to feed upon it.

Steve Morris

Purchase from Hodder Faith