The home of news and views from the Evangelical Alliance

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Mission Possible: Evangelism in persecuted lands and how the UK church can be bolder

A powerful and inspirational account of Iranian evangelist Asrin, and her missional journey from Iran to Turkey.


Why unchurched young people matter

For International Youth Day, Neil O'Boyle CEO of British Youth for Christ, shares why the church must engage with young people to see change

Making sense of the King's speech

Making sense of the King's speech

Danny Webster, our director of advocacy, helps us make sense of the King’s speech and it’s implications for evangelicals under a new Labour government
What does Jesus say about our mental health?

What does Jesus say about our mental health?

Julie Wilson from Kintsugi Hope shares how scripture helps her share hope as a church leader, and how much Jesus cares about our wellbeing
Why it is so important People of Colour are committed to political engagement

Why it is so important People of Colour are committed to political engagement

Rev Celia Apeagyei-Collins explores how social action and community engagement can translate into political engagement for People of Colour and why this is so crucial

Latest edition of idea

A time to speak

Explore the power of connection and community through testimonies of discipleship and evangelism. Hear about how we can be advocating for our faith in politics, and explore how Christian leaders are using their voices to share the God story far and wide.

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