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14 April 2014

Christian environmental organisations

Christian Resource & Campaigning Organisations

A Rocha UK
18-19 Avenue Road, Southall, Middlesex, UB1 3BL
Tel: 0208 574 5935
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.arocha.org
Christian international conservation organisation campaigning and working practically to care for God's creation. They have a range of projects primarily with a focus on science and research, practical conservation and environmental education. They work in partnership with Christian organisations e.g. Bible Society, BMS World Mission, CMS, Tearfund as well as local churches in order to help Christians better understand what the Bible says about creation care. 

Christian Ecology Link
10 Beech Hall Road, Highams Park London E4 9NX Tel: 0845 4598460
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.greenchristian.org.uk
CEL believe that we are all responsible for our impact on God's creation as a whole. They help members to understand and relate these responsibilities to their faith. Members can then encourage others in their local church to think seriously about these issues. They organise conferences and workshops and publish a bi-annual magazine Green Christian.

This is an ecumenical project helping churches make the link between environmental issues and the Christian faith, with the aim of encouraging them to take practical action in the church, in the lives of individuals and in the local and global community.
For more information contact: [email protected]
website: www.ecocongregation.org
For details of local events or to apply for an eco-congregation award have a look at the following national website's or contact the following national offices:
In England and Wales:
Groundworks Sheffield, Innovation Centre, 217 Portobello, Sheffield, S1 4DP
Tel: 0114 263 6421
In Scotland:
Eco-Congregation Scotland, Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN
Tel: 0131 240 2274
Email: [email protected]  or use the contact us form on the website www.ecocongregationscotland.org/contact-details/  
In Ireland

Hope for the Future 
The Hope for the Future campaign started at a meeting of the Environmental Officers of the dioceses of Yorkshire and the North East in late summer 2013. Hope for the Future is a UK wide campaign, supported by Christian Aid, aimed at getting realistic climate change policies into the manifestos of the main political parties ahead of the next general election in May 2015. They aim to inspire and encourage churches and individuals to contact their MP. Resources including a Climate Write In toolkit plus suggested climate change themed prayers, sermons and hymns.

The John Ray Initiative
Website: www.jri.org.uk
The John Ray Initiative (JRI) is an educational charity with a vision to bring together scientific and Christian understandings of the environment in a way that can be widely communicated and lead to effective action. It was formed in 1997 in recognition of the urgent need to respond to the global environmental crisis and the challenges of sustainable development and environmental stewardship.  John Ray was a visionary seventeenth century scientist and Christian. Offers a range of resources, including briefings, Bible studies, and a 2 year distance learning certificate in Christian Rural and Environmental Studies (CRES) www.cres.org.uk

The Religious Education and Environment Programme (REEP)
Website: www.reep.org
REEP is an educational charity originally set up to provide environmental materials and today although their focus has widened they still aim to provide resources that will foster changes in attitude through experience, so that environmental concern and understanding – spiritual as well as practical – become natural and fundamental to children and young people.

The Society, Religion and Technology Project Society
121 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4YN
Tel: 0131 240 2250
Email: via the contact us form www.srtp.org.uk/srtp/contact_us/
Website: www.srtp.org.uk
The Society, Religion and Technology Project (SRT for short) was set up by the Church of Scotland in 1970 to examine some of the vital issues in the intersection between science, religion and technology. It aims to bring professional expertise to providing informed and penetrating comment for technologists, educators, media, the Church, the public - in fact anyone with an interest in how technology is affecting our lives, and the issues it raises.

Taking Action